Our Work – What We Do – Our Local Impact
Our primary involvement with, and impact upon, the local environment and its communities result from our ability to engage with a broad cross section of individuals, groups and Alliance Members in the Thai Gulf and Southern Thai Provinces, and to mobilize diverse resources to underpin our key initiatives and projects. We are a strong supporter of the concept of Community Philanthropy and also the United Nations 17 SDG’s.
Currently our focus and live work programs lie within 4 main areas and, additionally, our contract services offer 2 options to local businesses and residents:
Our Environmental Activities span a broad spectrum of projects, from organizing beach cleanups, water analysis, emergency action to biodiversity enhancement. We support local initiatives towards beneficial environmental impacts, we raise awareness of local, national and global environmental issues and take positive action to improve the Gulf environment.
Our Education Activities are directed towards both the state schools of the islands and informal schools.
We run Adult Workshops and Seminars to provide environmental advice and training to community groups, moo baan, government departments and businesses.
We have a major commitment to local community support including Community Gardens, Free Yoga Community Samui and islands of the Ang Thong Archipelago. We drive communication and collaboration among sectors and help to provide support, inclusive spaces and events that celebrate wellness and empowerment within communities.
Eco/Community Tourism
Eco and Community Tourism is a developing area both within Thailand and for us as an organization, it does however link in with many of our other activities on both the mainland and across the islands of the Thai Gulf and is a particular area of focus for us looking forward.
Consultancy Services
Informed Advice and Support – We can provide specialist support and advice in a wide variety of key environmental, community and legal areas for individuals, businesses, groups and NGOs.
Fiscal Agency
We can minimize the financial and legal management burden for grassroots organizations. Our MicroGrant awards can impact critical areas: environment, economy, community.