Interns and Volunteers
We work to help the local communities and the environment in many different ways, and our supporters can do also … at times we need interns and volunteers, either on a single day, short term or longer term basis. If you would like to help us in achieving our objectives by applying your skills and time in this way please contact us via our Contacts section.
Interns are often sponsored by their academic or business organisation, Volunteers more often acting as individuals. We try to be very flexible in our approach, matching each vacancy to both needs of the Foundation and those of the individual.

As a generalization the site would be Koh Phangan, a minimum of 4 weeks time is required on a part time basis (unless for a specific short term event) for Interns and 3-12 months for Volunteers. No salaries are paid, although some key expenses of the work may be payable. At certain times of the year discounted accommodation may be offered at our Phangan offices in Baan Tai.
Volunteer visa applications and work permits are the responsibility of applicants and EcoThailand are in a position to support visa applications with a Letter of Invitation and copy of Foundation Registration Documents for candidates applying from outside Thailand. Under exceptional circumstances, at the applicants own cost, Volunteer visas may be obtainable for applicants already in Thailand, using a recommended agency.
Please Contact Us for further information regarding possible vacancies and opportunities.