EcoThailand Alliance Network

As part of EcoThailands ongoing commitment to the environment and communities of the Gulf Islands we have founded our Alliance Network, a free to join group of businesses, environmentally aware enterprises, governmental and community based organisations.

Our remit is to partner with beach resorts, inland resorts, yoga and wellness businesses, entertainment venues, shops, restaurants and government and community organisations to help to support and maintain a clean and sustainable environment on the islands and enhance and develop their communities. With over 40 participating members we can make a significant positive impact on the future of our islands.

ecothailand alliance network phangan samui

eecothailand alliance partners

We encourage businesses, and others, to join our Alliance, to apply the principles and practice of the Alliance in maintaining and improving the local environment around each member site. In doing so, the businesses gain increased customer satisfaction, increased client quality, and promotion and support from the EcoThailand organisation and its partners.

Key aspects of our Alliance Network are mutual support for the benefit of our communities and their surroundings, across the Thai Gulf, to ‘Build Back Better’ and support ‘Shifting the Power’. Through our work with Global Funding for Community Foundations (GFCF) we are able, not only to apply local philanthropy principles and practices, but also draw on a truly global network of experienced diverse organisations and knowledge base.

Principles of the Alliance Network:

Alliance Members engage in, and support, our Community Philanthropy principles and practice.

Each resort, business or organisation undertakes to help to clean, segregate, recycle waste and maintain the biodiversity of both its own grounds, and those lands adjacent to the business be it beach, waterway, road or jungle.

When possible, businesses will help support wider island based community initiatives, projects and sustainable practices.

EcoThailand can liaise and facilitate in environmental and community aspects between businesses and local government agencies, NGO groups, island communities and volunteer groups.

ecothailand alliance network phangan samui tao paluai

EcoThailand will promote the eco and community support credentials of the businesses via its website and events, – equally, Alliance Members reciprocate with co-promotion of EcoThailand, its activities and its objectives.

We partner with international organizations, conferences and events to promote and disseminate key local and global messages important to the Thai Gulf, Thailand and countries around our world.

Through mutual support and working together … ‘we can make a difference’.

Internationally and Nationally we partner with:

Ghost nets arri
Liveworkplay ecothailand
Intrepid foundation
C&C Travel
Canadian fund for local initiatives