Our Funding
Funding for our activities is obtained via donation from benefactors, sponsorship from local, national and international businesses, and from government and international grant agencies and is exclusively directed towards the primary objectives of the Foundation – improvement of the local environment and ecosystems, increasing educational awareness and support of local communities.
We act as both a grantee, receiving donations and grants from outside sources and benefactors, and as a grantor via our MicroGrants system for the benefit of local communities and their projects. We can offer Fiscal Agency support for non-registered charitable groups and a wide range of Consultancy Services.
We subscribe to, and strongly support, the principles of Community Philanthropy and Local Community Action and encourage everyone with a love and interest in the Thai Gulf to join us in helping to maintain and improve this area of Thailand for both its residents and visitors.
All of EcoThailands key directors are unpaid volunteers ensuring that the maximum resource and finance goes to those groups and projects most in need with minimal internal overheads.
As a registered charity we are subject to, and compliant with, annual independent financial audits, accounting, employment and immigration law.
EcoThailand are supported by funding from Global Fund for Community Foundations, United Nations Development Program, Give2Asia, Intrepid Foundation, Epson Thailand, LiveWorkPlay and Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives.