Koh Phangan Community Bio Waste Management Support
Around 50% of all tourist directed business (restaurants, resorts etc) and individual household waste material is organic … so removal of that material from the waste management system can have a major impact on local tessabaan resources.
EcoThailand, supported by donations, will continue to support Koh Phangan Island in a move to decrease bio waste reliance on environmentally poor methods, decreasing centralized collection and disposal, decreasing transportation, incineration and landfill, reducing smoke and PM2.5, and promoting local community education, infrastructure and sustainability.
Activities will include:
Providing free composting mesh and instruction for home and business site usage.
Providing Bio Char and charcoal making units to selected participating sites.
Setting up and equipping 3 community composting facilities (planned sites across the 3 island tessabaan) for those individuals and businesses unable to compost at their home or business sites.
Advising and liaising with tessabaan in setting up their own pilot schemes for bio waste collection and management.

Why Compost?
Composting is an inexpensive, natural process that transforms your kitchen and garden waste into a valuable and nutrient rich food for your garden. It’s easy to make and use, particularly so in the tropics.
You can do your bit to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill or other more costly forms of treatment by composting your food, garden, restaurant waste etc at home or workplace, with the added advantage of producing a material which will considerably enhance the growth productivity of your grounds or gardens.
Composting is quite widely practiced on mainland Thailand, quite often at large scale or as community based operations, composting is much less common on the gulf islands.
A few dollars, pounds, euros or baht will allow compost bins to be distributed to individual local residents, businesses and communities and help support community composting sites for those unable to deal with bio waste at their homes. your support will have a major beneficial impact on the local environment and communities … with our thanks 🙂
International Payment Options (partnered with Intrepid Foundation with zero fees)
International Payment Options (partnered with Give2Asia, USA based individuals may make tax exempt 501 (c)(3) payments.)
Payments can also be made directly into our bank account by bank transfer, our paying in banking details are:
Account name holder: ecothailand : มูลนิธินิเวศวิถี
Krungsri bank (Bank of Ayudhya, Swift code AYUDTHBK)
Account: 635-1-12020-4

With many thanks, from The EcoThailand Team.
As a registered charity we are subject to, and compliant with, annual independent financial audits, accounting, employment and immigration law. All EcoThailand Directors work on a voluntary unpaid basis so maximising funding for our projects.